40 Talks in 40 Days – Joseph Smith by Neil L. Anderson

Joseph Smith

Jesus Christ chose a holy man, a righteous man, to lead the Restoration of the fulness of His gospel. He chose Joseph Smith.

“A righteous man” – it’s an interesting phrase.  What con-notates “Righteous”?  What makes a man wicked?

Traditionally, members are praised as “Righteous” when they follow the prophet, but Joseph Smith Jr. did not follow the religious leaders of his day.  Instead, he opposed them.

The good spoken of Joseph Smith came slowly; the evil speaking began immediately.


This is not historically accurate.  Although Joseph recounts gunfire at him, or men surrounding the Smith home to take the plates, or himself fighting off half a dozen men while carrying a 60 lbs object, no one in Palmyra in mentioned as having injuries.  The individuals who try and get the plates are mentioned by name in the Ensign:  Samuel Lawrence, Willard Chase, Lumen Walters, among others, but none of these mention any of their group sustaining injuries as Joseph Smith describes.

Even the instance of the Preacher rejecting Joseph’s vision in 1820 does not match any preacher or similar discussion in that time period such that apologists have had to look for visiting preachers from other areas as a possibility that Joseph actually had such a conversation.

I put forward another hypothesis: “The evil speaking came forward as Joseph Smith broke the law, broke trust with those around him, and generally was disorderly”

For example, Joseph Smith Jr., having obtained the plates, had Willard Chase make a box for those plates to go in.  Joseph had signed a treasure hunting agreement, saying he would share any treasure dug up with the rest of the group that Willard was a member in.  Flaunting that he had gold plates and was not sharing in front of the treasure hunting group he was breaking an agreement with lead to the group looking for the plates.  It is just after Joseph asks for that box to be built that the group meets at Samuel Lawrence’s house to try and obtain the plates.

Further, when Joseph’s Kirtland Safety Society fails and he is unable to make payments on the money he loaned, the individuals come to collect the land in Joseph Smith’s name.  This is what any bank or other lender would do if one defaulted on a mortgage or secured loan today and was normal then.  Joseph put people in houses on land that he used as loan collateral.  Saints were not mercilessly driven out of Kirtland, but homes were seized as payment on loans Joseph did not pay.

Joseph’s polygamy was a concern for William Law; who was in the First Presidency of the Church, but William Law did not take action until Joseph married the Lawerence sisters.  You see, the Lawrence sisters were orphans who had a sizable inheritance.  Joseph had already squandered the Partridge sister’s money when he married them polygamously (That is to say, in a non-legal arrangement).  William Law’s concern for the future of the Lawrence girls drove him to publish the Nauvoo Expositor; the press that when Joseph had destroyed, he was rightfully sent to prison over until the case should be evaluated (If a mayor ordered a newspaper in his down burned down and all the servers destroyed, he would be rightfully detained until a court trial could be arranged.  His stay in jail would be just and correct.  Joseph Smith Jr.’s situation was no different.

These are only three examples of how Joseph’s actions came before the evil speaking of his name.

“The ends of the earth shall inquire after thy name, and fools shall have thee in derision, and hell shall rage against thee;

“While the pure in heart, … the wise, … and the virtuous, shall seek … blessings constantly from under thy hand.”7

This is an easy prophesy.  Every human could make it about themselves.  If they go on to do something great, that action will always cause others who have different beliefs or thoughts to scorn or negatively comment.  If one passes into obscurity, the prophesy would never be known either, and so the observers of prophesy would seem to see that prophets always named individuals of great importance before they became great.

Further, Joseph did not record this interaction until it was already being fulfilled.  No record of Moroni’s visit stating these words exists from 1824.  As such, it’s hardly a prophesy.

Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration. His spiritual work began with the appearance of the Father and the Son, followed by numerous heavenly visitations. He was the instrument in God’s hands in bringing forth sacred scripture, lost doctrine, and the restoration of the priesthood. The importance of Joseph’s work requires more than intellectual consideration; it requires that we, like Joseph, “ask of God.”9 Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God.

Let us use his own definition for what “Righteous man” means:

If Joseph did not see God the Father and the son in 1820; he is not a righteous man.  We can discuss how only after another boy claimed to see them as separate individuals did Joseph make this claim, or how Joseph cannot even remember how old he is when he had this experience (14,15,16, 17 and 19 are all ages Joseph Smith claims for this vision).  We can discuss the different versions of this vision.  Perhaps we should just say that God, who demands two or more witnesses according to scripture, did not give more witnesses of this account and let’s move on to point two:

Joseph Smith brought forth sacred scripture.  In the Book of Abraham, we can see a clear forgery, a funery text from 500 B.C. (Contemporary with Lehi and Nephi, for goodness sake) being called written by Abraham’s own hand.  With the Kinderhook plates, we see a clear attempt at deception.  With Adamic tongue we see gibberish passed off as the perfect language.  We see anachronisms in the Book of Mormon.  Why then should we give him credit for his Sacred Scripture as an indication of righteousness?  Further he snuck behind his wife’s back to marry 33-40 women, with many of these relationships not allowing for consent, and then blaming the rape-nature of these relationships on God.  Is that the low-bar for righteousness?

And now for perhaps the most dastardly claim in the whole piece.  That one cannot intellectually judge Joseph Smith, but one must spiritually do so.  Why does god fear unbiased testing so much?  Why is He all powerful until one introduces a confidence interval, or statistical certainty?  Did god give us logical brains just to discard them?  Why must the spiritual make no logical sense?

Why call a philandering liar a “Righteous man”?  Why call forgeries “Sacred Scripture”?  Why use a rock from a well, when divine implements were at hand?  Why spend generations having individuals carve stories on plates not to be read?

It’s not that I cannot suspend disbelief, it’s that such levels of contrast between logic and spiritual knowledge should not go unchallenged if we are to call ourselves “Reasonable humans”.  I once met a woman who insisted that Jesus appeared to her and told her to go to Africa, though an elephant on a picture.  He also insisted that she give cigarettes to children.  Should I judge her without my logical mind, and rely only upon the spiritual.


If we are to call Joseph Smith a righteous man, that measure should be a standard one any man could be judged by and called righteous.  If opposing authority of his day was righteous, so to are we who question the brethren of the LDS church.  If producing scripture that can only be regarded as such via spiritual minds is the standard, then why not follow Chris Nemelka over the individuals giving these talks, who have not produced a word of scripture in their lives?  If extra-marrital affairs and extra-legal marriages are righteous, why do we not call the current LDS church wicked for not doing so?

This is a talk in sophistry and deception, painting a man whom the modern church would excommunicate without much thought as “righteous” simply because the church depends upon him for its truth claims.

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40 talks in 40 Days: Come, Join with Us by Dieter Uchtdorf

Come, Join with Us

Regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church.

The problem with this statement, leading into the talk, is that they excommunicated or threatened temple recommends of over a half dozen members around the time it was given.   Denver Snuffer in early 2014, John Dehlin, Kate Kelly, people who doubted D&C 132.  Now, I get that an organization can declare who is and is not a representative of it.  But a statement as broad as this one given by Uchtdor, that Regardless of testimony, circumstances, or history there is room for that person in the church, while the church cuts off people because of their lack of testimony, circumstances, or history, it’s nothing less that two-faced, and a down right deception otherwise.

The quote should have read instead:

“As long as you do not publicly share your beliefs contrary to the orthodoxy, there is room for you in this church”.

Which is pretty much what the PR statements around Kate Kelly and John Dehlin said:

“You do not have the right to remain a member of the Church in good standing while openly and publicly trying to convince others that Church teachings are in error.”

Now someone is going to point out that this was a local leader’s statement to Dehlin just being restated by the Church PR department; but it sounds so similar to the official statements about Kate Kelly, the idea that the local leader is not influenced by the broader PR, or that the PR is not helping the local leader to say the correct message is dubious:

and you must stop trying to gain a following for yourself or your cause and taking actions that could lead others away from the Church

Follow the Orthodoxy publicly, and do not talk about your private beliefs.  That is not an inclusive church like Uchtdorf’s statement above.

Consecrate All

“What doyou require of your members?”

We do not require anything,” they replied. “But the Lordasks that we consecrate all.”

The fascinating thing is, that in the Temple, where one promises to obey the law of consecration, one does not consecrate one’s self and one’s belongings and future belongings to God, but (And it is stated in all caps in the Temple) TO THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.   This statement by Uchtdorf, couched in a story is a flat out lie.  One must give everything to the Organization.  Simply devoting it to God is not sufficient.

Do you pay your people for all the work they do?” the man asked.

“Oh, no,” the couple explained. “They offer their time freely.”

Also not true.  General Authorities receive a modest living allowance.  Bishops and stake presidents used to (in the 1920’s). Mission presidents receive compensation.  It is misdirection at the least and a straight out lie at the best to keep the lowest rank and file giving their time and talents for free.  In other situations this would be called Fraud.


Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters—my dear friends—please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith

Whenever we want to know something we should approach it two ways.  We should look for patterns, form a guess as to how those patterns are connected, and try to build up connections.  But this alone is not sufficient.  I’ll let this guy explain why (Play along with him and see if you guess like the people he interviews):

You see, you need to also try to disprove one’s beliefs to reach true conclusions.  One must Doubt one’s beliefs to reach accurate conclusions.  Just like in the above example, the couples could only arrive at the true rule by thinking of what did not fit the pattern.  So Must we have doubts.  If we doubt our doubts, before we doubt our faith, we will succumb to confirmation bias.

So how can we test our faith in a way that doesn’t lead to confirmation bias?

  • Stop paying tithing for 6 months.  Record all the good and bad income and loss.  Pay it for 6 months and Record the good and bad income and loss.  Review whether this had a noticeable impact
  • Do not pray when you lose your keys.  Time how long it takes to find your keys.  Repeat while praying.  Do this 30 times both with praying and without.
  • Do not attend church for 6 months.  Record spiritual promptings, thoughts, and moments that are successful.  Attend for 6 months and do the same.  Compare.

See how the Pro-church side tells you to never stop doing the confirming actions, but the way to actually know something includes both doing the thing and not doing it to compare results.

And not just missing one Sunday here or there, but in a continuous run (This helps remove factors such as seasonality (missing church when it snows if one hates snow could lead to negative feelings about missing church because it is associated with something else one hates… snow!) or natural random occurrences.


Uchtdorf’s talk is deceptive, hypocritical and pushes one towards confirmation bias as a way of knowing truth.  We would encourage members to press their leaders to be honest,m even if they are tall, have great hair and a cute German accent.

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40 days of Talks: Is this not the Fast that I have Chosen

Is Not This the Fast That I Have Chosen

“Your fast offering will do more than help feed and clothe bodies. It will heal and change hearts.”

Possibly, but let’s take a look at what the Fast Offering money gets used for.  It’s hard with a church so secretive about its finances to verify such a claim.  We can look at the Humanitarian aide portion of the church’s website and see that in 2010, about $1.3 Billion was given to individuals to help them, which seems like a lot until one does a bit of math.  1.3 Billion from 1985-2010 (15 years) divided by number of members (14 million) is about $3.71 per member.  If we go with active members (~5 million) it’s around $9 per member per year, which… frankly seems a bit like someone is skimping some dollars.  I know that as a member I gave between $30-60 each month to Fast Offering, so either I was WAY above average (about 40-80 times the average payer) or some of the money isn’t making it to “heal and change hearts”.

As further evidence of issues the church has stopped publishing the dollars used for humanitarian aid after Business Week investigated as you can see on the 2014 welfare sheet, only hours are reported, no dollar values.

On this sheet, we have some noble goals.  Fighting Ebola, Phillipean Earthquakes, Immunization campaigns and Clean water initiatives are all nobel (although I feel it necessary to point out that the church took credit for a member, Bishnu Adhikari‘s, private initiative for clean water that happened to be run by a Mormon in its film Meet the Mormons, so one must question if these are church initiatives or member-led initiatives that the church is claiming as its own).  And I totally respect the church in these efforts, but noble goals aren’t evidence against someone skimming funds for less-than-noble goals.

Fast Offering can also cause a lot of pain.  Fast offering money was funneled into West Ridge Academy, a for-profit venture that tried to reprogram homosexuals and troubled teens with reparative therapy and harsh conditions.  It was heavily sued by boys who left the organization.  I wonder how many times tithing has been said to go to feed poor families, when the idea that Gays were being sent to reformation camps was left unmentioned.

When we offer succor to anyone, the Savior feels it as if we reached out to succor Him.

Hiding finances, misappropriating funds, changing tithing slips to state that money donated in any category can be used for any other category.  Mr. Eyering might have said

“When we offer to sucker anyone, the Savior feels it as if we suckered him”

Why so many shady business practices?  I guess Jesus never said “blessed are the transparent”.

“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

“Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

“When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

“Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”1

I can’t help but wonder if another scripture might apply if one trusts an organization so completely that one only donates to that organization and very little of the money reaches the hungry, the naked, but instead is used to abuse a portion of Heavenly Father’s children:

Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

Eyring then states that this God asks something so simple, even a child can understand it: to pay the church money:

“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

We call upon members everywhere to demand of their leaders that money donated is accountable.  That it cannot be hidden once discovered that the numbers are low.  That no more camps where individuals are tortured or abused be funded by dollars dedicated to feeding the homeless.  That leaders be held accountable for building Malls and Real Estate for-profit ventures while LDS members starve.

Finally, we leave with the reader with the thoughts of George Carlin:

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40 talks in 40 days – Disciples and the Defense of Marriage, Russel M. Nelson

In preparation for General Conference, a lot of members I know are taking a 40 day challenge.  They read 40 General Conference talks (or Ensign articles) in preparation for Conference.  They challenge their friends to do the same.


…But I’m going to not just read the wonderful talk and talk about how wonderful it is.  No, we’re going to apply some reason, logic and science to what is said.  Day 1:

Disciples and the Defense of Marriage

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Technology, you keep using that word

With recent revelations by the LDS church that Joseph Smith Jr. did, in fact, use a seerstone, many bloggers and notables including Richard Bushman and Greg Trimble have taken to calling the seerstone “A technology we do not understand”.

You keep using that word

Technologynoun, plural technologies 

  1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts,engineering, applied science, and pure science.
  2. the application of this knowledge for practical ends.
  3. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
  4. a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like.
  5. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves withthe material objects of their civilization.

Let us juxtopose this with the definition of “Magic”:

Magic- Noun

  1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring: to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic.
  2. the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.

These bloggers like to call the seerstone a “technology” however the word is simply misused.  It was not developed by Science (That is to say, observation, forming a hypothesis, then using experiments to try to reject that hypothesis), it was not provided by the group itself for its benefit and it was not applying scientifically derived tools for practical ends.

However it does match the definition of magic in that it was “producing a desired effect or result through incantation or other techniques that assume human control of supernatural agencies or forces of nature.

In other words, yes the Seerstone and your iPhone are both made of minerals, however the arrangement of the minerals in an iPhone, and the results are reproducible, verifiable, and falsifiable.  That is the definition of technology.  The seerstone cannot be reproduced (although an article in the Juvenile instructor does say how one can chant incantations to make one’s own seerstone), cannot be verified, nor has one every been published in a peer-reviewed journal, and it is not falsifiable (otherwise, certainly the Kinderhook plates and Book of Abraham issues would call serious doubt into its abilities).

To call it technology is an extraordinary claim.  To be specific, these bloggers and historians are saying that the rock is able to contact an individual being who lives on a planet near a star named Kolob, and it was prepared for Joseph Smith Jr. to find in a well, thousands of years after it was placed.  That makes it an alien technology, if it be technology.  Further this technology emits no power signal, no waves that are noticeable or have been measured, and is perfectly fine sitting in a vault unused since it performed a single set of tasks.  If you believe all that, I tell you seriously I have a dragon in my garage.

So, I await those historians, bloggers, and others to actually produce extraordinary evidence that the stone is, in fact, technology and not magic.  Until then, we are RIGHT to call it magic.

It would be like saying that a person who created Ashley Madison wasn’t an adulterer if he married 33-40 women but we couldn’t prove he had sex with them.  You can’t just bend words to mean different things to make your position seem less preposterous.  Words have meaning.  Deer are deer, horses are horses, and magic is magic.

As soon as the church produces a line of Seerstones each person can use, and sets up a tech-support line so that people can call in if they have issues, and they send out an update that improves the software; I’ll call it technology.  Until then, it is, what it was known as in the contemporary context of Joseph Smith:  Folk Magic.

Peepstone Joe

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We hereby declare Julie Rowe a false prophet

Inasmuch as it has come to our attention that Julie Rowe has declared that she has received revelation and inspiration for the preparation of the end of times let us respond with a solid voice that she is not genuinely gifted with supernatural powers of foresight.

The tendency of any group, when a prophecy fails, is to become more entrenched in belief.  This has been true of individuals who believed aliens were going to pick them up, of individuals who believed that Gold was going to be recalled and they should invest in a mine that has no gold in it, of people who believed in a woman whose daughter has confirmed she was certifiably crazy and not translated.

As such we write this statement of disbelief to counter the entrenching and to illustrated that the non-believer is, in fact, more prophetic that the believer in Julie Rowe.  She has stated several verifiable positions on the future all of which believers are likely to claim occurred by “moving the goalposts” or claiming that minor events fulfilled what were major claims by Ms. Rowe.

We claim the following will not happen as Ms. Rowe claimed it would happen in Rexberg, Idaho on July 25, 2015

  • We Claim that individuals will not be healed 100%.  In fact we claim that no amputee has been healed and that will continue into the foreseeable future without medical science and prosthetic limbs (Which are hardly being healed 100%)
  • We claim that no one will see people raised from the dead.  This claim is verifiable and would instantly be news on every news network if verified.  CPR and other techniques verified through science are not what was discussed here, but priesthood/divine power and anyone recovering from death through any other technique should not be seen as a successful measure
  • We claim that déjà vu is NOT “us seeing these things before”.  If that were true we would expect children (closer to heaven and more innocent) to experience it more, and teenagers, in their rebellious stage, to experience it less often.  Instead the opposite is true.
  • We clearly state that  There are not “bonds, curses, chains being broken like Cain that are being broken and will be broken until final battle when we will be healed.”  Um. wait, what does that even mean?  When did Cain get bonds broken?
  • We claim there will not be an economic disaster in September.  Indeed, the Federal Reserve has all but stated they will raise interest rates in September, and that will impact the stock market, but probably less than the Greek debt situation or the Chinese Stock Market close did in July.  As such we think that the impact in September will be a failed prophesy (or why didn’t God tell her about the bigger impact 2 months previous).  We say this to illustrate that a sound financial understanding is a better market predictor than prophesy
  • We sustain that no “earth shattering on the Wasatch front” will occur from September to October of 2015.  Indeed, there may be an earthquake, but the impact to humans/size will not be sufficient to warrant a prediction and dozens of earthquakes of a similar impact will be in the record as Seismic activity is constantly happening at a depth that does not impact humans.
  • We state clearly that “foreign troops will NOT hit soil in LA” in any kind of timeframe or explanation that would link it to the September-October events previously stated, which were implied in Ms. Rowe’s talk.  We know that the believer will be tempted to find ANY boots on the ground from ANY country as evidence of this being fulfilled, be we declare with solemn voice that Ms. Rowe implied an invasion clearly with her words and we are certain no invasion is immediately forthcoming.
  • We firmly state that Denver is not going to be the next capital of the United States.  If any city becomes another capital, regardless of world events, Ms. Rowe’s claims are defeated.  We know the temptation for the believer is to push this “Capital switch” into the future as some event, but we seriously state that there will be several events more relevant to listeners that are not foreseen (Like 9/11) than a capital switch and call into question any revelation that misses such key events and yet specifically states such a thing so far into the future that believers are relatively unaffected by it.
  • We firmly state that there are not “more than 4 translated beings on the earth right now.”  We ask anyone who believes this to produce verifiable evidence of any translated being.  We question the ineffectiveness of translated beings at any of the following:  Protecting the prophet from Mark Hoffman’s bombs, Informing the prophet about Mark Hoffman’s deception, Protecting Joseph Smith in Carthage Jail, Coming to Brigham Young’s aid during the Utah War, Helping to talk down the Morresite rebellion, Helping to find Elizabeth Smart who was being raped by a self-proclaimed prophet in between riding around downtown Salt Lake City, etc.  We declare that any Translated beings who are so perfect, and yet so ineffectual at influencing current events should not be worth mentioning.
  • We confidently state that theire will be no “Earth quake will split the country down the middle like parting of Red Sea to keep enemies from getting to Zion”.  Let this also not be put forward so far into the future as to be irrelevant while other more critical events are missed.
  • We state with conviction that the recent ruling regarding gender attraction (That is to say, Gay Marriage) will not be a turning point.  It will be a non-issue as far as the majority of the country, and seen as old bigotry by the next generation.  Indeed, we prophesy that within 10 years a married gay man will bless the sacrament at an LDS ward.
  • We question the claim “A lot of children will be orphaned.”  We believe that it is unlikely that Orphan rates will climb above say, that during pioneer times, which would be a standard for “a lot”.  We state that orphan rates will not climb above those in Syria for the Unted States in the next 10 years.
  • We feel comfortable stating that electricity is here to stay and that it will not fail us.  The plethora and wealth of technology may not always continue as we currently enjoy; but this is not the same as stating that electricity will fail.  We doubt that greatly.
  • We demand that the word “plague” is too vague and too easily filled by a plethora of possibilities to be called a “win” for any prophet.  The standard for validation must be higher than “Someone, somewhere gets sick”.
  • We also reject the further claims made in Seattle in January 2015
    • Dragons are not literal creatures.  None will be released.
    • Weapons are not crafted spiritually (such as arrows), or else Satan would have released a spiritual nuclear event wiping out spiritual beings.
    • The United States will not be a 3rd world country any time soon
    • Seattle will not be a “hot spot” for man-made disasters.  Individuals will find other areas (such as Detroit) that have far more man-made disaster per year than Seattle.  (Other cities mentioned that will have massive destruction are NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco)
    • We clearly state that the following Foreign troops:  Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, mass fleets of Russians will NOT come through Alaska, Canada, and the Pacific Northwest.
    • Individuals in Washington will not arrive to Idaho in rags
    • Many missiles will not be launched launched at us, and we laugh at the idea that many of them will be divinely redirected.  We believe that the missile systems operators will find man-made events if any missiles misfire (which is a possibility).
    •  We firmly state that there will be no literal forcefield deflecting missiles.

False belief is not harmless.  It was devastating for those who believed a comet would signal the end times or that they should follow a prophet no matter what, or that one should sell one’s property in preparation for the end of the world.  We ask that general authorities, Stake leaders and bishops warn members against false prophets and that while people who taught love such as John Dehlin were excommunicated, apocalyptic end-of-the-world false prophets should be at least treated to a similar disciplinary council.

The list of failed prophesies of the end of the world is long and we ask individuals ot consider Ms. Rowe’s voice as one more in the long list of those who drive an empty frenzy, rather than a true voice of warning.

Sign the petition here

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The ABC’s of Science and Mormonism – First 10 letters

A is for Gold (Au)

B is for Brass

C is for Cattle

D is for Devil

E is for Etymology

F is for Fighting

G is for Holy Ghost

H is for Hemisphere or Heartland, if you prefer

I is for Isaiah

J is for Jehovah

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The Gospel according to Jake

All the best of Brother Jake in one place (credit to /u/YoungModern for compiling the list:

Now a basic overview of the gospel[2] .

Then an explanation of the nature of your soul[3] and where it came from and where it’s going.

That deal with polygamy explained[4] .

Why Mormons are not sexist[5] .

Why Mormons are not racist[6] .

How the Book of Abraham was translated from Egyptian scrolls[7] .

The Book of Mormon[8] summarised in ~6 minutes.

Why prophets are awesome[9] .

Why the Mormon Church is Not a Cult[10] .

What goes on in those sacred temples[11] ?

The importance of modesty[12] .

The importance of tithing[13] your money.

Why Mormons don’t hate gay people[14] .

Then here for a musical explanation of how those who yearn for a rational faith can resolve doubt through symbolical interpretation[15] .

And here’s a fabulous musical explanation of how the church came to franchise it’s ecclesiastical services and doctrinal instruction in a process known as correlation[16] .

How church discipline[17] works.

Now learn about how all of your doubts can be resolved through apologetics[18] .

And here’s an excellent video on the importance of religious freedom[19] .

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Did Brigham Young engage in Human Trafficing

And perhaps more importantly is “Human Trafficking” baked into the Mormon narrative?

To understand this, we turn to… the Pope. Yesterday (July 22nd, 2015) the Pope met with Mayors from around the world and discussed Climate change and Human trafficking, two items that are major issues around the world for almost every country.

However, the fascinating thing was that most of the mayors left with an idea how the two were linked.

“When it gets hot, the poor get a lot hotter, and when it gets cold, the poor get a lot colder,” he said. “That’s a quote from Gen. [Russel L.] Honoré. The point of this is, when climate change comes, when we feel its dramatic impact, and it forces people to move out of their homes, like they did after Katrina, people are put in really, really difficult situations where they have to make bad decisions, and in very impoverished countries one of the decisions they make is to sell their bodies, or to give themselves over to somebody else to abuse them, and quite technically enslave them into owing them money for the rest of their lives, which evidently turns into a very large economy for human trafficking across the world.”

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Twopence more and up goes the donkey

“Twopence more and up goes the donkey”.  It’s a fascinating phrase because it only exists for a limited time in London.  It has a meaning that people ascribe to it, and even one man who claims to have invented it, saying he was fined for balancing a donkey.

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