Monthly Archives: January 2013

Lessons from King Tut about DNA

This is going to be long, and a bit lecture-esque so sit tight and take notes. For TBMs, there may be a test on this later. I recently was able to attend the showing in Idaho Fall’s museum of King … Continue reading

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A modest proposal that the apologists are right

It seems, after hours and years of intensive study that the church is, in fact, true. Not just any church either, but in fact the church that the apologists have taught about. All this time their science was far superior … Continue reading

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Legal Status of Women in 1800s

Yes they could own property without being married. This is not a good argument for why polygamy was required.

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Nephites and Jaredite Naming irregularities

Corihor and Nahor are both mentioned in Ether as early Jaredites. Both are famous Nephite names. Nahor could POSSIBLY have been named after Mosiah translated the plates of Ether, although that would make him very young indeed while he went … Continue reading

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General Joseph Smith

Nauvoo Legion The Legion (led by Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement and mayor of Nauvoo) quickly became a formidable concentration of military power in the American West.

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Feelings of the spirit indiscernible from emotion for most people – Boyd K. Packer

Apostle Boyd K. Packer preaches at seminar for new mission presidents, “The spiritual part of us and the emotional part of us are so closely linked that is possible to mistake an emotional impulse for something spiritual. We occasionally find … Continue reading

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King Tut version of Abraham papyrus

This was on display in the Museum of Idaho Falls.  It is a papyrus found with King Tut: Compare to Abraham Facsimile no. 3:   You see the similarities?  Throned individual, woman behind, someone being brought into Osiris’s presence… A very common … Continue reading

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How people at conference more strongly “feel the spirit.” A patented technology known as “Heartsell” “We call this uniquely powerful brand of creative “HeartSell”® – strategic emotional advertising that stimulates response.” This includes the organ in the tabernacle that has notes so low you can’t hear them, but you feel them (they used to … Continue reading

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Exploring Mormon Institute 2013 – D&C Lesson 7: “The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel”

Compare[1] Everyone have a great Martin Luther King day holiday? Great. Anyone do anything special? Yes, Jimmy? Oh, that’s very interesting, thanks for sharing. Attention activity: Have everyone say, “Well duh!” Now, have everyone recite the fourth article of faith. The … Continue reading

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List of items in the church vaults

Reddit: List of items in the church vaults and discussion of it.  

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