Monthly Archives: January 2013

Exploring Mormon Institute 2013 – D&C Lesson 3: “I Had Seen a Vision”

Compare[1] Purpose To help individuals understand that the First Vision account they learned about their whole life is a complete fabrication. Activity Read this wikipage[2]. This volcano in Iceland is what caused not only the Smith’s farm to fail, but … Continue reading

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Palmyra Magic Timeline

Note: this began as me trying to find out what happened to the Chase family after Joseph left. They built an estate, which was passed down. I couldn’t find specifics on Sally Chase, other than she married and had children … Continue reading

Posted in Timelines | 3 Comments

Ogden Kraut – early visions

Ogden Kraut is a very interesting fellow.  Member of the Seventy who was given to research, and realized that the church was falling apart back in the 1920s. He was intimately connected with the Dream Mine, which I’ll post about … Continue reading

Posted in Early Church History (1800s), Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | 6 Comments

The Mysteries of the Gospel

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking.  Something, something “deep doctrine,” and “here is what made this guy lose his testimony” or whatever.  But you’re off base. This is actually a link to the full text of the InfoBase CD’s … Continue reading

Posted in Correlation, Early Church History (1800s), Timelines | Leave a comment

Nauvoo/Winter Quarters Sealing Records

More from the BYU Infobase CD: Nauvoo Sealing Records Salt Lake, Winter Quarters, and Nauvoo (continued) Again, these are from a faithful source intended for faithful members. I’m just sharing them for informational purposes.

Posted in Early Church History (1800s), Timelines | Leave a comment

Details About the Second Anointing From the Infobase CD

This CD was sold at the BYU bookstore with the intent of being given by the faithful to the faithful as a sort of preparation for receiving the Second Anointing. I detailed the content on the CD to reddit in … Continue reading

Posted in Correlation, Early Church History (1800s) | 1 Comment

Just a Shout Out to a Blog Discussing Scripture Mastery Verses New Testament by someone who can read it in the original Greek (well, as original as it gets).  Excellent stuff.

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Temple History Timeline, Including Ancient, Modern, and Masonic Histories

Sections in this post: Ancient temples – A Masonic Timeline – M Garment related – G Endowment Related – E Sealings and polygamy related – S Miscellaneous dates – D Notes with no date – N These will be mixed … Continue reading

Posted in Early Church History (1800s), Timelines | 1 Comment

Exploring Mormon Institute 2013 – D&C Lesson 2: The Doctrine and Covenants As a Word to the Modern World

Compare: Everybody ready? First, I’ll set out my temple doily:  and then, I’ll put out a stick: Everybody see the twig on my doily? Great. Now notice it is not attached to a tree. No, really. The tree is gone. Without … Continue reading

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The Story of a Map: Why I Research History

[Update:  on 12/15/2015 I was shown to be wrong on one of my assumptions.  Changes inline] Many times, people will ask me why I bother to read and research LDS history. Let me tell you the story of a map … Continue reading

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