Monthly Archives: January 2013

The old 6 standard missionary discussions

Missionary Discussion Action Guide

Posted in 6 nonstandard discussions | 3 Comments

History of Mormons and Masturbation

Paper about masturbation in mormonism[1] Below are select highlights from the above article with my own commentary. 1920s – 1930s manuals did not forbid masturbation, just over masturbation. From the article: Official church manuals endorsed secular books about sexuality and … Continue reading

Posted in Current issues, Timelines | 11 Comments

Mahanna’s Economics: She was worth 12-13k.

According to this report, dairy cattle come in at about $1,600 USD per head. An 8 cow wife would be $12,800. Granted, this was cash up front, but that’s still a reasonable cost. My wife’s wedding ring certainly puts her into the … Continue reading

Posted in Humor and wit | Leave a comment

Why did Joseph and Brigham talk about Quakers on the moon?

It turns out there was a report in a newspaper that ran before any LDS quotes.  They were weighing in on this issue of the day… and taken in by the hoax: The Great Moon Hoax Brigham Young’s discourse on … Continue reading

Posted in Early Church History (1800s), Humor and wit | Leave a comment

LDS Church in New Zealand spends ≈ 50% of tithing on salaries

Link to tax returns here[1]. Comparing the overall donations to salaries, I get the following: 2009 – 111.74% (Church run school being funded, school is shut down) 2010 – 52.81% 2011 – 50.71% 2012 – 41.06% The slowly declining ratio … Continue reading

Posted in Church Finances | 1 Comment

Scan of the Nauvoo Expositor

Scan of original newspaper.  Notice that about 1/3 of it is a testimony of the Book of Mormon, 1/3 is tactfully addressing polygamy, and 1/3 hints at Joseph trying to become president via a secret quorum of 50. William and … Continue reading

Posted in Polygamy, Timelines | Leave a comment

Tithing settlement: A new meaning

“…the priority of the Church was evidenced in their quick settlement of the matter rather than the releasing of that financial information.” Legal case against the church and the outcome: official legal brief.

Posted in Church Finances | Leave a comment

Jacob 5: Why vineyards and olives?

Jacob 5:3, “For behold, thus saith the Lord, I will liken thee, O house of Israel, like unto a tame olive tree, which a man took and nourished in his vineyard; and it grew, and waxed old, and began to … Continue reading

Posted in Book of Mormon | 1 Comment

Things that make me go Hmmmm (Jokes)

Some random thoughts. Some I’ve posted before, but others are new. I imagine I could do a George Carlin style stand up routine for exmormons using these: Adam using a compass and a square; or not having a clue how … Continue reading

Posted in Humor and wit | Leave a comment

Correlation: What happened between 1890-1920 that created the modern church

Correlation: An Uncorrelated History

Posted in 1900-1920, Correlation | Leave a comment