Monthly Archives: January 2013

Stamp Collecting and God

The story was retold here (14th paragraph about Jose Garcia). I don’t know if they still tell this story in the MTC, but I want to offer my perspective on it (forgive me if my memory isn’t perfect, it’s been over … Continue reading

Posted in Current issues, GA Bullsh*t | Leave a comment


Can someone explain to me what it means? Personally, my definition is “Anything that was made up, is false, or intentionally distorts the true history and doctrine of the church.” Got that? If a person’s definition is “Anything that disagrees … Continue reading

Posted in Current issues, Housekeeping | 2 Comments

Book of the Dead funerary rite from Ancient Egypt

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FAIR article on seer stones Note: they freely admit that, not only did Joseph have them, but 100% of the current book of Mormon was translated via a stone in a hat. This is the apologist site FOR the church.

Posted in Book of Mormon, Early Church History (1800s), Translation | Leave a comment

Elder Todd Christofferson’s talk on “What is Doctrine” flowchart

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Temple Ceremony published in the Salt Lake Tribune in 1906

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Guns, Germs and Steel

If you are asking, “Why is this relevant to Mormonism?” simply watch the documentary first. It is interesting and good for general history knowledge. After watching, answer the following questions: What were the top 3 things that allowed Cortez’s … Continue reading

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Exploring Mormon Institute 2013 – D&C Lesson 4: “Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon”

Compare[1] Purpose: To help class members realize that the Book of Mormon could have been produced by man without divine intervention. Ask a class member to prepare to summarize the account of Martin Harris losing the 116 pages of manuscript[2]. … Continue reading

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A grown-up discussion of depression in Utah

Many times I have heard individuals claim that the church makes them happy.  Many other times I’ve heard individuals claim the church makes people depressed.  But proving causality on either of these is pretty difficult.  Where do these ideas come … Continue reading

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FAIR LDS apologist timeline for Book of Mormon translation

I found this and really enjoyed the time/effort he put into it.  It really places some events into a concrete time frame.  Others, he’s clearly reaching on (the Melchizedek Priesthood restoration date). But it is relevant and interesting:

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