Monthly Archives: January 2013

Epic Mormon Battles of History part 1: B.H. Roberts vs. Joseph F. Smith on changes to the Book of Mormon

In this corner, famed historian, sporting a ‘stash that could clean a chimney, sent by the church leaders, responsible for finding the liberty jail, and obtaining many rare letters and connections in conjunction with the forming of the church –his … Continue reading

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Order of the Arrow Ceremony – Masonic Ties

Here is a copy of the ceremony. I think you’ll find that it has similarities to masonry (Lord Byron was a mason) that also match the temple (three knocks with a mallet, for example).

Posted in Masonry | 2 Comments

Leonardo da Vinci exhibit at The Leonardo in SLC and what it teaches about God’s nature

Not that they were trying. My phone blipped my picture, but at the exhibit there is a “Wooden Submarine” designed by Leonardo. The man was a mad genius as he also had diving suits, hang gliders, wooden tanks, etc. Now, … Continue reading

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The Heber Valley Girls Camp: or the “Mormon Refugee Camp” So I was recently allowed to spend some time at this camp, and thought people would appreciate the rundown. The camp itself It is very nice and reasonably priced, probably because the labor is free. The cabins have power. … Continue reading

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A guide to talking to your family, for those who doubt

Please feel free to add, but here are some of the central things I’ve learned on this journey that have made being surrounded by ultra TBMs livable. Please note, this list is the flip of my “communication to the exmormon” … Continue reading

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Where did Joseph and others say the Nephites were? – A timeline

Article on FAIR pointing out the sheer number of times and places Joseph identified the Nephites’ location. There are several missing, such as the angel Moroni stating the Indians were in “this continent” (meaning North America), or Joseph identifying Mayan … Continue reading

Posted in Book of Mormon, Timelines | Leave a comment

Beneficial Life: The bailout members don’t know about, but should (the 600 million dollar scandal)

This is Beneficial Life[1]. They make money by selling insurance[2] and then investing the money while waiting to pay out for policies, like most insurance companies. The company is run by the board of directors, who happen to be the prophets and apostles[3]. In … Continue reading

Posted in Church Finances | 5 Comments

Possible sources of plagairism for Joseph Smith

Plagiarism definition[1] includes to “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” By this definition, Joseph Smith, Jr. clearly plagiarized. How to identify plagiarism[2]: We will be judging Joseph Smith, Jr. on the criteria listed … Continue reading

Posted in Book of Mormon, Early Church History (1800s), First Vision, Timelines, Translation | 3 Comments

Apologist makes gold-hilted sword to prove Book of Mormon is true, concludes Nephites used wooden swords because it is so damn useless

[Update] As typical, the old summary is gone as hates things that are sceintific and don’t point to the church being true.  Here is his summary. Here is the letter, reposted by a faithful member; without all the neat … Continue reading

Posted in Book of Mormon | 7 Comments

Quotes from General Authorities throughout time, that show the church is in apostasy

“Suppose your youth receive their impressions of church history from “pictures and stories,” and build their faith upon these alleged miracles [and] shall someday come face to face with the fact that their belief rests on falsehoods, what then will … Continue reading

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