Monthly Archives: January 2013

Kirtland Timeline – Kirtland Safety Society, the Bank of Monroe, Temple Dedication, Consecration, and significant historical events related.

22 February, 1816 – Ohio legislature passes a law that any entity engaged in banking activities is a bank, and must therefore have a charter 1816 – Total money supply in U.S. $67.3 million, mostly due to creation of Second Bank of … Continue reading

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Exploring Mormon Institute 2013 – D&C Lesson 6: “I Will Tell You in Your Mind and in Your Heart, by the Holy Ghost”

Compare [1] Note: We’ve covered that personal revelation can be a horrible guide, but we DO get gut impulses and moments of real inspiration where bits of our subconscious/bodies know things that we don’t. We’re going to focus on that. Also, … Continue reading

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Gordon B. Hinkley uses anti-(r)LDS literature as he undertakes to cover his sins

This is going to be long, and difficult (When are my posts not?), but I think this illustrates that the church will use any means to hide mistakes, including using anti-mormon literature… just not the LDS kind of Mormon. Anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Current issues, GA Bullsh*t, Succession Crisis | 1 Comment

Subliminal messaging in the church movie “On the way home” – [10:56]

  If you listen carefully, the bikers chant, “Don’t do drugs,” 3 times as they go past (7:45). Also, during the sister missionary discussion, there are inexplicable bubbles blowing through the room.  Really, you need to get the video from … Continue reading

Posted in Correlation, New look at old Church Videos | 1 Comment

Boyd K. Packer’s Seminary video – Mercy Cannot Rob Justice, a breakdown

  Basic Premise A man in very Jerusalem BC attire buys a house via debt. He does not pay up and the creditor comes to claim the house and send the man to debtors’ prison. The man’s friend comes to … Continue reading

Posted in Correlation, Current issues, New look at old Church Videos | Leave a comment

Joseph Smith and the Rational God part 6 – Retrieving the Plates

Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there except the second year when I brought Samuel Lawrence, a man of magic to the hill, and … Continue reading

Posted in Joseph Smith and the Rational God | 2 Comments

Joseph Smith and the Rational God, Part 5 – Asking some questions of Moroni

He also quoted the second chapter of Joel, from the twenty-eighth verse to the last. He also said that this was not yet fulfilled, but was soon to be. And he further stated that the fullness of the Gentiles was … Continue reading

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Joseph Smith and the Rational God part 4 (Popularity, Ridicule, Fear, Tradition, Martyr and other Manipulations)

And I Joseph, did pray much, and read much in the Bible, and did prepare myself for further contact with God; for I had no doubt in my mind that I had some import, being contacted and taught by the … Continue reading

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Joseph Smith and the Rational God – part 3

Questions and Answers And I, Joseph, did return for a third day to the grove. And at this time my family became greatly excited about all that we had discussed and many of them were interested and wished to accompany … Continue reading

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Joseph and the Rational God – Part 2

I, Joseph, did return unto the Grove, with my Brother, and did behold that the personages I did speak to the previous day were there again. And Alvin and I had spent the night, with my family, conversing upon how … Continue reading

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